Friday, July 2, 2010

Moving into Kresge

On Tuesday Abby and I will be moving from our house into Kresge dorm @ Asbury University. It is a large dorm that houses 250 female residents. Lots of people have joked with me saying stuff like, "isn't that every guy's dream?" and I respond with "every single guy's dream, every married man's nightmare." other people have joked saying "don't drown in all that estrogen." most of all I get asked "aren't you sad to leave your house?"

The answer is yes. I am sad. I worked hard on it. But I am also SUPER excited about moving into Kresge and living on a college campus again. Impromptu ultimate frisbee games, having hundreds of people to hang out with, campus events, and most of all, connecting with students. I have a strong passion to mentor students, to advise them and help them avoid the mistakes I made. Abby will be a great RD. I just hope I will be able to impact students in a similar way over the next 2 years.

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